As you may already know , One of the Tasmanian primary school was celebrating last day of school . There were some zorb balls and jumping castle on play with about 40 kids from the school . It was reported that the jumping castle and several zorb balls were lifted off the ground by wind . Reports says couple of girls and three boys were dead by the incident . It was one of the most heart breaking incident we’ve heard thus far .
Is this the first time a tragedy happen involving commercial inflatables ?
These kind of activities are very rare incidents . specially with a product built up to Australian standards . It covers all safety precautions to avoid these tragedies . There were rare few incidents reported near Griffith in 2020 where 2 kids were injured . And another similar situation in Essex where one girl died from the incident . We believe both incidents were due to negligence from the people who were in charge on monitoring safety according to the user manual . The tasmania incident is yet to find out . But by the story we know so far we believe it was due to heavy wind plus the placement of the jumping castle . We are yet to find out the inflatable was tethered to the standard practice and the pegs used were up to Australian standard if they use any .
Our thoughts on the incident
According to ABC news there were several zorb balls were lifted off the ground as well . Therefore it must be heavy wind or the atmosphere must have caused low end and high end pressure . This happens if the air flow below gives high pressure than air flow above . That is because of the positioning of the product . We always advise users to place the product on flat ground where air pressure is similar . So far according to the Bureau of Meteorology shows there was no heavy wind in the area . Therefore in our opinion this was mainly due to positioning of the inflatables .
What Australian inflatables done to prevent these kinds of tragedies
We manufacture all the products to keep even pressure in and outside of the jumping castle . Even if the product was manufactured for all weather conditions we keep positions to release pressure and keep it even on all positions .
Other most important element we add in to our range is free pegs for every purchase you will get 8-20 Australian standard pegs with every new purchase . Additionally you will get sand bags with every product except water games .
Why real Australian standard jumping castles avoid these incidents
When you speak about Australian standard . It is not only about the build but there are many additional factors . As you read above paragraph all the necessary accessories are compulsory to assure safe jumping and sliding experience . Therefore users make sure to read instruction manual thoroughly . So there you can get an idea how to set up the product properly . Not only setting up but anchoring needs standard practice . Therefore We advise to use both pegs and sand bags simultaneously for secured anchoring .